Early Cinema and Golden Age of Cinema
Both the early cinema and golden age of cinema are huge milestones in the world of film making.
Early Cinema is tricky because no one person can be credited for the creation of film, however in 1878 Eadweard Muybridge made a series of running horses through a device he invented, the zoopraxiscope. By 1895 the idea of film and cameras had spread and the Lumiere brothers were holding showings of films on screen for the very first time. Little did the revolutionaries know they were creating an art form that would soon take over and unite the world.
An important era of the film world is the golden age of film. from 1917 to around 1960 film was defined as having technical and narrative characteristics. Many notable people sprouted from this era including Charlie Chaplin and King Vidor to name a few. inspiring and soon to be historic films were also made in this remarkable age including, The Birth of a Nation and To kill a mockingbird. I think both of these times are very important to me today because it not only shows me where the film art form stems and was created from but it also shows me how it grows everyday and can be changed completely by a group of people with a different vision.

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