Experimental Film- Stage One

"The Good and BAD"

Experimental Film:
for my first experimental film I want to showcase my good parts of everyday life and include the bad parts to to express how life isn't perfect. My plan is to film moments where people feel at peace and happy, like with friends, and then interrupt those piece to show how life is unpredictable and uneven, with an image of the same person crying. I included videos that make me happy like the Dallas skyline and my friends, things like this appeals to most people. With the happy images I ant to have soft , upbeat music playing and soft color if I have any at all. With the crying image i want to have loud screeching but not annoying sound, and I wish to have loud, vibrant attention grabbing colors over each of the films. With this film I hope to accomplish learning about the film and editing process and  hope to help my viewers realize how life comes with the good and bad and you can't determine when you get either.



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