My bliss is long car rides on rainy days. My bliss is sinking my toes into the hour Florida sand while I can hear my family’s lighter behind me. My bliss is music screeching through my ears while I see my favorite artist pour out their heart on stage. My bliss is laying out in nature and just observing what man hasn’t touched. My bliss is opening up a fresh journal and feeling totally relaxed when that pen hits the top left corner. My bliss is stressing throughout the entirety of the shows because I believe I work better under stress. My bliss is staying up till 3 am because that’s when all my good ideas come in. My bliss is analyzing and correcting my work 100 times because I know perfect can always be better. My bliss is watching how peaceful my friends are as we sit on the couch in our PJs watching scary movies. My bliss is watching the look in my parents' eyes as they watch me accomplish every milestone. My bliss is watching sunsets fall deep into the Dallas skyline. My bliss is knowing someday somewhere I will be as successful as I make myself to be.

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